Interview With a Guest

Interview With a Guest

After hosting several events this wedding season, our wedding planners, Nisarga and Gaana sat down with one of our guests to have a conversation about their whole experience. In the hope that this tête-à-tête would be useful to all of those planning weddings at the moment, we took the liberty to publish this article with our guest’s permission. Read on to resolve some of your concerns or reassure yourself of the decision you have made so that you go ahead with planning the wedding with a little less mental stress.

Q. How did you decide if you wanted to go ahead with the wedding?

“We had already pushed the wedding multiple times and didn’t seem to see an end to it. One night we invited the groom’s family over and together figured out the pros and cons of conducting the wedding despite the pandemic. Having elders on both sides, we were a bit apprehensive at first but then decided to have a conversation with the wedding venue and the wedding planners to understand the feasibility of going ahead with it. We chalked out a plan of what is possible and what is best avoided and then came to the conclusion that we would conduct the wedding.”

Q. What were your main concerns and how did you deal with them?

“Our main concern was definitely the health of our guests and family members. We felt socially responsible for putting all our guests at risk by inviting them to celebrate with us. But we took all the precautionary measures needed. The vendors were very cooperative as they also know the gravity of the situation by now. The stress of planning was quite a lot and we had to be patient in answering all our guests’ queries regarding the stay and the food. We dealt with it by sharing responsibilities in the family and you both (wedding planners) took a lot of weight off our shoulders.”

Q. How did you invite the guests and what were their reactions?

“We had limited the wedding party to close family and friends. You know, the people who you don’t have to invite formally because they want to be there willingly? But we had also made it clear that it was not an obligation to attend like how Indian weddings used to be. Since it was virtual, we sent a customised basket of assorted goodies along with the invite. We also personally called them all. Weddings are a very sensitive affair. We invited them wholeheartedly but also let them know that we would understand if they chose not to come. We didn’t face any hassles there, most of our guests were quite understanding.”

Q. How was the event? Any word of advice for the ones planning?

“Well, you were there. It was a beautiful ceremony. A lot of people who attended the wedding virtually have left messages wishing that they were here! I guess now it is the new normal. Ours has become just another pandemic wedding, it’s not a big deal anymore. I think what you need is a good team to work the details and take care of the minute chores, and the big picture will take care of itself. Everyone is being responsible for themselves now.”

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