Decoding the Varmala ceremony

Decoding the Varmala ceremony

The Varmala or Jaimala is one of the first rituals that happens in a Hindu wedding. This tradition where the bride and groom accept each other for the first time in front of all their guests, is celebrated with much pomp and show. From who wears the mala first to why this ceremony is performed, read on as we decode the meaning of the varmala ceremony.

varmala/Jaimala ceremony

What is the significance of Jaimala or Varamala?

 The story behind the varmala dates back to the Vedic period where there are mentions of how exchanged garlands created a bond between couples. In the olden days when the bride and the groom were strangers, they would only meet on their wedding day. When they exchanged garlands was the first time they would lay eyes on each other and hence this ceremony was an extremely special tradition. 

varmala/Jaimala ceremony

The more famously known story is of Swayamwaras which took place in kingdoms where the princess would place a flower garland on the suitor of her choice. She would walk around the courtroom holding a mala or garland and choose her life partner using the garland. In this case, the jaimala was a symbol of victory of having won the princess as his bride. Though the concept of Swayamwara has faded, the emotion behind winning the bride can still be felt in today’s grooms. But the main significance behind the varmala is that of acceptance of the couple in front of their near and dear ones.

varmala/Jaimala ceremony

What Does the Mala Contain?

The Mala or garland is almost always made of flowers. To add a touch of green, the auspicious leaves of the Tulsi plant are added or for an aesthetic appeal, Gypsophila or baby’s breath is also added. The main flowers seen in a garland are:

  • Roses to represent love
  • Jasmine to represent elegance
  • Lotus to represent purity
  • Orchids to represent beauty

varmala/Jaimala ceremony

These days there are a lot more alterations made on the varamala for design and to match the couple’s outfits. Apart from flowers, pearls and shaded beads are also found to tie the whole varamala together. Eco-friendly options for the varmala would be to use biodegradable materials or even paper flowers instead of real flowers. In the latter’s case, the varmala can be preserved for life.

varmala/Jaimala ceremony

Delving into the Symbolism and Customs

The varmala ceremony is one of the first rituals that take place once the veil between the bride and groom is lifted or once the baarat enters the wedding venue – based on the culture. Though the significance of the ritual remains the same across the states in India, how the ritual is performed differs.

It is common for couples to exchange garlands and perform a simpler version of the varamala even in the traditional engagement ceremony/nischitartha. But the real varmala ceremony happens during the main wedding.

varmala/Jaimala ceremony

Jaimala In Different Regions Of India

Jaimala in North India: The ceremony of Jaimala is a grand affair in the weddings of north India. Since the wedding usually takes place in the wee hours of the night, the jaimala takes place just after the baarat enters the wedding venue. Though the ceremony holds traditional significance, this particular event is more grand than it is ritualistic. In recent years, couples have gone above and beyond to make their jaimala stand out with fireworks, colour bombs, music, and even airlifts to perform the garland exchange in the sky. Over the years, how this ceremony is planned has become more of a social status factor. The flowers commonly seen in the north are multiple shades of roses, and other vibrant colors to celebrate the joyous union of the couple.

varmala/Jaimala ceremony

Varamala in South India: The ritual of exchanging garlands in South India is much more simpler than the northern counterpart. The priest recites mantras while a veil or antarpata separates the couple. Once this veil is lifted, the couple place their hands on each other’s heads, holding rice or jaggery and cumin mixture. After this ritual, they exchange garlands. The brothers and friends of the bride and groom often lift the couple to make it more difficult to exchange garlands. The commonly used flowers in the garlands in south India are jasmines and tulsi leaves, and flowers that hold auspicious significance.

varmala/Jaimala ceremony

Though the two halves of the nation have differing customs, in today’s day and age of culture mix, couples choose convenience and personal preference to make the varmala ceremony more suited to their personalities. This is more commonly seen in cross-cultural couples who want to include the best of both their cultures in the wedding.  

Traditions of Who Wears the Garland First

To make the wedding playful and fun, there is a belief that whoever puts the garland first is the one who will have the upper hand in the marriage. In some cultures, the family of both the bride and the groom aid them in this act by lifting them high so it’s difficult for the other to place the garland around their neck. In the Tamil Brahmin community, this ceremony is performed with the family members singing songs and carrying the couple on their shoulders. Much like other wedding rituals that are aimed at teaching the couple the values of married life, even this has a lesson: The couple’s goal is to overcome the challenges faced by the family lifting and dancing and unite together by exchanging garlands.

varmala/Jaimala ceremony

What Happens After the Marriage Ceremony?

After the wedding ceremony, some couples preserve their varamala since it holds an extremely sentimental value. The best way to do so would be to give the mala to a resin artist who will dry the flowers and make art pieces that can be displayed at home. In some cultures, the varamala is placed in the household altar or any sacred space to invoke blessings upon the couple’s married life. 

Since the varmala ceremony marks the beginning of the main wedding day festivities, it is generally filled with a lot of noise and enthusiasm from the family members. Understanding the significance behind the varmala and appreciating the rituals makes the experience of the wedding more meaningful. 

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